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should he have got a vc instead of a dso and 3 bars even his serving friends says he should have got multiple vcs and was dishonoured by the corrupt leaders cause he knocked out a higher ranked office

i think your on about the somme heritage centre between ards and bangor.

There should be a film made of this mans exploits. As a founder member of the SAS who plagued the nazis in the desert he deserves his place in history beyond his birthplace in Newtownards.   Liam Ne

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There should be a film made of this mans exploits. As a founder member of the SAS who plagued the nazis in the desert he deserves his place in history beyond his birthplace in Newtownards.


Liam Neeson for the lead?

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I love this passage from his diarys



"David Stirling, who founded the SAS, wanted certain people and one of them
was Paddy Mayne but Paddy was in the clink for beating up his commanding

"Stirling had to go into prison to confront Mayne and say 'I want you out but
do not hit this commanding officer' and Mayne agreed.''




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Guy was a real legend, not like most of the folk today that get called 'legend'. Must look out for Rogue Warrior.

Just looked it up now here it is on amazon




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Liam Neeson? Got to be, hasn't it?! :yes:


What is it Paddy said? " When you simply Must kill everyone in the room? Shoot the first person to say a word. They've realised there's actually a man with a gun standing there. Then, shoot the nearest man to you. He's next likely to cause you any embarrassment. " :toast: I mean, FFS! :laugh: Man's a f**king legend, just for coming out with that! :boogy:


And, what about that time, in France, I think it was? Turned a corner in his Landy. Whole road, as far as the eye can see, is lined with a huge convoy of German trucks, bristling with Germans! :icon_eek:


Paddy sees this as an opportunity not to be missed! Guns the engine and goes screaming down the road, machine gunning the f**k out of the entire convoy!


They don't want to start handing him VC's because they'd run out of f**king cannon! :yes:

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the blair mayne research society are still fighting for the decision to be overturned. how can they call him the most decorated soldier of ww2 then hold back because of a minor glitch the stuck up ba$tards. sas warrior on the history channel is a good watch its a biography about him

I hope they show it on yesterday Chanel. theres been a few good sas missions on there in the last few nights :thumbs:

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